About Us

Since 2010 the Best Bank Guarante, Surety Bond, & Insurance Consultant Partner

Karya Tama Waskita is a company engaged in the field of consulting services and agency for products General Insurance, Bonds, Bank guarantee, LC, Life Insurance, Annuity, Pension Fund and Health Insurance.

Karya Tama Waskita

Meet Our Team

The management philosophy of Karya Tama Waskita Services is based on respect for every client and individual responsibility.

Karya Tama Waskita intention is to hire only those who demonstrate the qualities necessary for working in a professional environment, and the willingness to move forward in continuing education. We will be hiring the ultimate “people persons” to provide world class service.

S. Witjaksono Wilis,SH,AAAI-K

President Commissioner

Business Strategy​

Emphasize value instead of Price :

All of person in Karya Tama Waskita is dedicated to working closely with each client and educating them on the importance of value over price.

Build long term relationships :

All of person in Karya Tama Waskita is dedicated to establishing a successful partnership with each client, respecting their interests and goals by cultivating a long term relationship to enhance client retention.

Focus on increasing market share :

All of person Karya Tama Waskita will focus on personal and business clients that have been identified in the targeted markets.

Competitive Edge

Karya Tama Waskita competitive edge is our positioning as strategic ally with our clients, who are clients more than customers. By building a business based on long-standing relationships with satisfied clients, we simultaneously build defenses against competition. The longer the relationship stands, the more we help our clients understand what we offer them and why they need it.